Friday, January 21, 2022

Take your medicine

As reported in Science: 

Pill derived from human feces treats recurrent gut infections

...The new pill, called SER-109 and made by Seres Therapeutics, is derived from human feces purified to winnow down the resident microbes. Stool from prescreened donors is treated with ethanol, which kills many viruses, fungi, and “vegetative” bacteria—those in a state of growth and reproduction. Left behind are bacteria that can form hearty, thick-walled structures called spores, many of them from the common phylum Firmicutes. Bacteria in this group are valuable because they can compete with C. difficile in the gut, “taking its space and its food and its carbon sources,” says Seres Chief Medical Officer Lisa von Moltke; the Firmicutes also change the composition of bile acids in the intestines, making the environment less hospitable for C. difficile, she notes.

Still, you would want that gel coating to work well...

1 comment:

GMB said...

Seres Therapeutics is deceiving people and ripping people off. The idea is to get the biodiversity from some African tribal girl who has never had contact with antibiotics or pesticides and who has a varied natural diet.

We are talking about a shit sandwich here. That is all we are talking about. And these con-artists are trying to make it something its not. You give the poo enough coating so that the coating dissolves but only when its sufficiently down the intestines not to make you puke. All this other nonsense doesn't matter and its just these conmen getting on the public teat.