Wednesday, February 09, 2022


While I can't see that Pinker deserves the label, I would say this, having just watched motor mouth Russell Brand whine about being labelled Right wing on Youtube:   if you're in the business of making excuses for Trump and the Republicans and their brand of proto-fascism, you're a useful idiot for the Right, regardless of what Lefty or moderate policies you claim to actually support. 

Gabbard and Russell are useful idiots.    

Update:  So is Taibbi, who I don't pay attention to, but thought I should after watching Brand praise him.  

Update 2:  I see from an article questioning the labelling in the list -

Rogan himself has never aligned with any political party, criticizing both Democrats and Republicans, though he’s described himself as a “progressive.” He has, however, endorsed and voted for Libertarian and Libertarian-leaning candidates in the past, such as former Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), and former Libertarian Party presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Jo Jorgensen.

OK, that would explain a lot - libertarians are essentially selfish and make terrible decisions because of that all of the time.  So instead of just, you know, not sounding like a racist, ugly sexist, or facilitator of the spread of vaccine scepticism or climate change denial, Rogan and his defenders would prefer to stand up for the "right" of people like him to not be subject to commercial pressure, which is all the fault of the Left, allegedly.


Not Trampis said...

Gabbard is highly attractive but that is all. right wing no ordinary yes.

Who are the commissionars?

I remember when soony was intelligent

Jason Soon said...

I remember when homes could spell. No wait I don't

Not Trampis said...

this does not take away from your rather stupid comments. not for the first time either

John said...

I've watched just enough of Brand, through gritted teeth and barely concealed contempt, to know that he is right wing. That he refuses the label says a lot about his lack of self-awareness.

Rogan does cross the lines between Left and Right. The big difference with Rogan though is that unlike so many on Sky News and The Project etc he is not a desk thumper. So what if he has thumpers like Shapiro and Peterson on his forum, at least he is trying to give many voices are airing which is vastly superior to so much MSM. Shapiro is very intelligent but I don't understand why he is wasting that brain on political issues. Peterson is losing it, his latest clips suggest he needs new meds.

If people bothered to read Pinker's latest book they will read he is scathing of cancel culture and woke issues becoming prevalent in some universities, and he absolutely loathes Trump.