Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Oh to be a fly on the wall during the breaks in the trial

I'm talking about the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation trial, and imagining the sort of discussions that might be being had between his barristers and him during breaks.

Because, really, it's impossible to believe they would not be wanting to say to any other normal client "this is a disaster, you need to cut your losses now".   Instead, what are they saying?  


Not Trampis said...

He aint paying the bills.

Steve said...

I know, but his reputation is being pulverised. I have read some people theorising that airing it all before any criminal charges might mean he can argue that he can't get a fair trial - but I can't see that is very plausible.

Not Trampis said...

We might also ask Kerry how a former SAS soldier who was not even an officer became part of his executive team