Friday, February 25, 2022

Queer libertarian very concerned with masculinity

I thought Helen Dale, self confessed Ukraine expert, would have some bad take related to the war there.

She didn't disappoint:


The photo, she fails to explain (but one of the tweets following does) is from a 2015 article about how there was some consternation that some ROTC members (college cadets) had done this walk event as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, without authorisation.  

Yeah, a real crisis of masculinity (and damning evidence that the entire US military is just emasculated weaklings now) on display there.  

Why are libertarian types so obsessed with masculinity?   Even queer ones like Dale?   

Beyond the pathetic culture war take, she seems to also be in on the "let's have my cake and eat it too" camp -  juggling "don't get into wars you can't win" with "the West is just so weak now" in her vacuous head.  


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