Thursday, March 17, 2022

Cognitive dissonance

I'm not sure I should say this, as I'm sure it's objectionable in one way or another, but here goes.

I really think Beverley O'Connor does a great job hosting The World on ABC News every night - she's intelligent, likeable and always well prepared.  But...I keep getting a bit of cognitive dissonance going because of her looks, and particularly her hair style of the last year or more.  It's kind of "USA Barbie" hair, if you ask me, and based on that alone, I keep expecting her to be, well, shallow in a conservative USA media "she's got this hosting job because some ageing leering male boss liked her looks" kind of way.

Please forgive me, Beverley.

[And by the way, I see you were born in 1960 too!   Goodness me.  My email address is available at the side - ha ha.] 

Update:  I can just imagine my daughter reading this and saying "Didn't 'Legally Blonde' teach you anything??" 


TimT said...

I did think it was commercial networks that went more for this kind of thing. You can see why they love reinforcing gender stereotypes in those places - it's just so much simpler for a mass audience to understand. Still, I suppose it must be this ABC presenters choice.

I'm laughing at the passing reference to Legally Blonde, btw.

Not Trampis said...

I think Jenn should be promoted to 7 news bulletin