Thursday, March 03, 2022

More of the same

There are storms and heavy rain passing through Brisbane this morning, but it seems more like the "normal" fast moving far.  Some big wind damage at Beerwah, north of Brisbane, they were saying on TV this morning, but without any images yet.

The news from Ukraine is sort of moving slowly now, it seems, making the doom scrolling feel a bit tedious.   (Makes it sound like I'm demanding more disaster so I can be more engaged with twitter - sorry.)   

Anyway, on the up side, even if it is sort of taking some pleasure in negatives:   seems to me a lot of people are over Stan Grant's weird positioning into some sort of soft-ish left wing contrarian, willing to entertain the "it's the West's fault that they've gone all squishy liberal and can no longer understand salt of the Earth conservatives like Russians".   Bernard Keane's been a strong critic of Grant and his fatuous writing:

And his free to view article on Crikey is pretty good.

Gray Connolly has copped a lot of flak for his SMH article too, which I didn't bother reading as I've already decided he way, way over-rates himself as a pretend historian.   He's just too full of conservative Catholic biases to be taken seriously.

Oh, and I just looked at Twitter and see this idiot making a deeper idiot of himself:

Update:   Bernard Keane mocks John Pilger as a Putin apologist, too.  (And from the photo in the article, Pilger could now pass for the decrepit as John Laws now.  Not a good look.)

1 comment:

John said...

Shapiro is just another panic monkey. So many on the Right argue the West is falling apart. Then they complain about the alarmism concerning climate change and COVID. That damn Jungian shadow idea haunts my dreams. I don't want to believe but I see it everyday in the news.