Thursday, April 28, 2022

Conservatism is broken

As I've noted before, the conservative/reactionary Right remnant of the old Catallaxy blog are spending their time in the new splinter Catallaxy blogs upset that Russia and Putin are getting bad PR out of the invasion of Ukraine.   Even the atheist cranks who live there say things like this:

 I'm no fan of Johnson; but apparently it's too much for this jerk to give him credit for not blowing up neighbouring countries (including massive numbers of civilian homes).


Not Trampis said...

they were never conservative.
Conservatives believe in a rules based order otherwise markets do not work. They also support institutions as they are vital to democracy.

As bad as Johnson is he has not invaded any country nor committed any war crimes.

Chalk and cheese

John said...

Apparently sending thousands of young men into a meat grinder in order to invade another country that will probably result in a 6 figure death count is far less worse than holding illegal gatherings.

That's where they are at Steve. It's very common over there to defend Putin while labeling Western politicians as inept and evil. They are nuts on this issue.