Friday, May 06, 2022

Indications that the Coalition will lose

*  David Koch this morning was extremely dismissive of the answers Peter Dutton was giving regarding the Solomon Islands situation.   He did all but roll his eyes and say "yeah, you're wasting my time"; instead he just seemed to cut the live cross very abruptly.

*  Shortly after that, there was a pretty clear defence of Albanese not being able to list the 6 NDIS policy points without looking at the printed list.  

*  On Twitter, there is a ongoing strong pushback on the "gotcha" style of questions - and although Twitter does not reflect the general public (especially as one tends to follow people already on your own side of politics), I suspect that there is a broad public sentiment that the media is doing a terrible job in this campaign, including with the "gotcha" attempts.


Not Trampis said...

1 no-0one but no-one watches early morning TV.
2. No-one likes people shouting at some-one else. The NDIS is a hot button issue. It may help the ALP
3 Twitter is full of left wing prats

I might have to resign as a politics junkie as I have seen little of the campaign. my feeling is the more you see of Morrison the worse it is.

Steve said...


1. I reckon that Sunrise, and David Koch (although I find him a bit annoying) works as a bit of a weathervane as to where political sentiment is in the country at the moment. Yes, the show both tries to influence, but also tries to reflect, public sentiment. It was completely on board with Kevin Rudd; sort of rehabilitated Pauline Hanson in a more right wing phase; and now has switched back to a soft Labor support (or at least, a skeptical of Morrison) position.

2. Agreed with first part. Not sure how much NDIS is "hot button". Maybe, but I tend to think quality of aged care is a much hotter issue.

3. Seems a bit mean. There are prats on all sides on Twitter.