Monday, June 06, 2022

Hurt ego

I saw that Tim Wilson was trending on Twitter, and found out that this is why (from The Age yesterday):

Wilson, who before parliament was a policy director at the free-market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, and a human rights commissioner, plans to go hiking in Yosemite National Park with his husband Ryan. He also plans to set up his own climate and energy advisory business, utilising his experience as a junior minister for industry, energy and emissions reduction.

“I’m very open about the journey that I’ve gone through, from foetal position crying on Sunday morning through to seeing a psychologist yesterday,” Wilson told an energy efficiency conference in the week after his electoral defeat.

There is, shall we say, not an awful lot of sympathy for Ego Boy being shown on Twitter.


John said...

He is an insufferable jerk. He should follow his free market principles and start a company that creates a new product. Instead he will attempt to go back to what he has always been: just another empty talking head. We don't need another thinktank or advisory body on energy issues. The hypocrisy of Wilson is beyond measure. From the IPA to Brandon creating a position for him with the HRC when nothing in the relevant legislation pertains to freedom.

TimT said...

Twitter still twitches very left. They're never going to have sympathy for someone on the right.

Steve said...

Well, the style of his relentless self promotion on Twitter was very cringe inducing - you really don't have to be a Lefty to find him annoying. I had imagined that Liberal voters in his electorate would just put up with it, but obviously (and delightfully) I was wrong.