Thursday, July 28, 2022

Does Jon Stewart care to comment?

Remember how Jon Stewart went on Colbert's show and did an extended "bit" on how it was obvious that Covid would have come from the lab in Wuhan where they research it?

There are more scientists than ever who beg to differ, it seems:

Scientists say there is "compelling evidence" that Wuhan's Huanan seafood and wildlife market was at the centre of the Covid-19 outbreak. 

Two peer-reviewed studies published on Tuesday re-examine information from the initial outbreak in the Chinese city.

And I think we also have Trump still crapping on about making China pay.

Incidentally, Trump's done I reckon.   He only wants to run again both for vanity (90% motivation for everything he does) and the hope that it scares off prosecution as looking too divisive and politically motivated. 


GMB said...

"Scientists say there is "compelling evidence" that Wuhan's Huanan seafood and wildlife market was at the centre of the Covid-19 outbreak.

No there was never any evidence for this, and there is no evidence now. Lack of hygiene causes OLD diseases. It doesn't create new ones. Very obvious lies and no there won't be any evidence in the new studies either.

John said...

Come on Steve, we all know the virus was engineered in the lab and designed to take out the West because China already had a vaccine. Gates and Fauci were in on the deal and bought up big on biotech stocks. Made a killing while the virus made a killing.

I am fed up with the way so many conservatives have turned COVID into a culture war issue. Very stupid thing to do and Catallaxy is at the epicenter of that stupidity.

Agree re Trump. He's in big legal trouble, not just from the Jan 6 hearings alone because NY state is chasing him over something(details escape me). I want to see him fall from a great height, it is very important that his lust for power is punished to the max. Sadly that probably won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you publicizing Davidson's predictions about stagflation this year?

Steve said...

I wonder who anonymous is - not Sinclair I trust! Because it has crossed my mind whether he is thinking "At last - my 2011 prediction of stagflation took 11 years to come true, but it's finally here!"

Only problem is, it seems it's still not clear whether the odd economic situation we are in now should be called stagflation:

Not Trampis said...

At this stage given we are at full employment it would be absurd to call it stagflation.