Thursday, July 21, 2022

Electric bus type things coming to Brisbane

I don't know who this guy is who has made this video, which is obviously very supportive of the Brisbane Council's plan for improving public transport with electric long bus things (the first of which is apparently currently undergoing testing), but I do have the say, the whole system and idea sounds pretty impressive: 


I like the way the "buses" recharge themselves, too (see at the 3min 50 sec mark in the video). Another video indicated they are made in Switzerland. We can trust the Swiss not to use batteries that blow up, can't we?

1 comment:

GMB said...

If we just go back to basic rationality, we have to ditch this fantastically damaging battery fetish, and we must extend the overhead wire system (that the deep state systematically undermined from the 30's onwards.) Some of these very fast trains have the overhead wires so they are in no way incompatible with high performance.

Its not a backward step. Its not going back to the 30's or using outdated technology. Its basic rationality. Something that the left is in open rebellion against.