Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Synthetic milk closer than I realised?

I was only musing recently about the slow progress in making synthetic dairy milk, but here's an article talking about it, and how a company in Melbourne is working on it:

In Australia, start-up company Eden Brew has been developing synthetic milk at Werribee in Victoria. The company is targeting consumers increasingly concerned about climate change and, in particular, the contribution of methane from dairy cows.

CSIRO reportedly developed the technology behind the Eden Brew product. The process starts with yeast and uses "precision fermentation" to produce the same proteins found in cow milk.

CSIRO says these proteins give milk many of its key properties and contribute to its creamy texture and frothing ability. Minerals, sugars, fats, and flavors are added to the protein base to create the final product.



TimT said...

This is what I was thinking of when you posted that tweet about the cranky Frenchman earlier, imagine how *he'd* take this news!

TimT said...

I'll believe it when I see it, btw - we keep on hearing about how this or that sort of thing is *coming*, and our attention is intentionally never drawn to the fact that all the manufacturers of impossible meat, etc, take as their model meat at its most fake - burgers that have so many additives and so much flavouring that it is sometimes difficult to taste the meat anyway.

Steve said...

Tim, Tim, Tim: remember, I really liked the Impossible burger I had at Grill'd a few months ago, and if I ruled the world, they would replace ordinary mince burgers by decree.

Steve said...

I remain, however, a complete skeptic of "printed meat" made from cultivated meat cells ever being a popular thing.

But getting bugs in a vat to make milk proteins - that sounds scalable and (I suspect) capable of making something with similar taste and properties of milk from the udder.

GMB said...

The cows already have that vat Steve. They have four of them. The black colour of cow manure is not cow dye its carbon. Get your act together you clown.

GMB said...

Think of the energy implications of investing billions of dollars in this industrial equipment. Versus opening the gate and sending the bull in with the heifers.

Its about deciding outright not to be an idiot. Thats what it is all about. Here we are making a pigs breakfast of the environment and you brain dead Davos cock-suckers are determined to make things worse.

GMB said...

There can be no excuse ever for this level of unreason. Its a sign of a civilisation in collapse.