Thursday, August 04, 2022

Vaccination panic

Just saw this on Twitter:

 and my reaction was "Gee, for a disease for which it seems the numbers in Australia have been holding steadily low at about 50 cases for the last few weeks, that a surprisingly large number of vaccinations."   (Apparently, it's two doses, so it covers 225,000 people.  Still seems quite a lot for the people who seem mainly at risk of exposure.) 

But obviously, reading further down the thread, there are people who think this is a disastrously low number:


Presumably, Covid has hyper-sensitised some people into seeing every new disease outbreak, and every new vaccination scheme, as reason to hyperventilate and panic.


GMB said...

Obviously this is insane. Whereas all virus vaccines, without exception are a rort, even by industry standards, it took ten years to put out an allegedly safe vaccine. Tetanus and Rabies are not viral maladies so there is some outside chance that the jabs might have some utility. But up until the Covid terrorism, no-one conceived of the idea that you could release a vaccine except after many years of trials.

So this is an obvious scam. No-one should try and insult anyone's intelligence pretending otherwise. The Israelis just gave the mass murder Alex Bourla the genesis award. A job well done killing their enemies no doubt. Banchel stole a billion dollars from his shareholders with a retirement package, after murdering kids for shekels. So we know who carried out this particular holocaust. Its not a mystery. We have all the top zionists in the CDC, in the Biden administration and all the agencies that were involved with this population control plot.

Its the usual suspects. Plus Bill Gates.

TimT said...

Oh, absolutely. We wouldn't even be hearing of this if it wasn't for COVID.

John said...

It is typical of human perception that once something enters our consciousness we, without thinking, perceive it whereas beforehand our senses may detect it
but we do not perceive it because our brains dismiss it as irrelevant to our concerns. So yes it is just a function of human cognition.