Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A culture war story that has a point

Since Allahpundit left, Hot Air has become much more Right wing culture war-y and less worth visiting.  But this story seems to me to have a point:   a prominent and (shall we say, distinctive looking) Biden appointee who is a transgender, gender fluid person has been charged with a theft of a kind that really makes it sound like he (gawd, they) may well have some mental health issues.  (Hot Air complains that the main stream media is giving it no prominence - although I wonder if that may change.)

And look, I do often think that if the social media of some trans personalities is chock full of selfies and an ongoing commentary on their feelings, it reads as a plea for approval (which many trans fans are often more than willing to give) and a sign of potentially serious degree of insecurity.   (Sorry to be ageist, but this particularly applies if you are of mature age - selfie obsession in the younger is one thing, but in anyone over 40 I find harder to handle.)  Perhaps you could say "well, the way broader society treats them, they have reason to feel insecure".   Yeah, I get that point - but there are some trans identities who don't conduct themselves that way, and just do it for themselves without the need for continual reassurance. 

It's the paradox that you can see in anyone with an insecurity about anything:  if you want others to treat you as just an average person, asking every day for reassurance that you are OK is not the way to achieve it.   And it's not as if all insecurity is a concern - but it can be a sign that it's someone who might not be the best employee and figurehead for a certain identity.

 Update:   I guess I didn't really get to the point that I was merely alluding too.  The articles and photos about Brinton when he was appointed certainly indicate that he has the kind of intense "need to be seen" as a trans/kink person that I think is reasonable to take as a warning sign for his future employment.   The gut reaction of conservatives on this seems to have been vindicated, and while those on the Left can complain that the private sexual sphere says nothing about what a person may be like in their area of employment - come on, there are limits, if the person doesn't want to keep that side private.

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