Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Since when has just annoying people ever worked?

Look, I could kind of respect climate change activists more if they were actually prepared to do dangerous direct things against the fossil fuel companies they (with some justification) despise - I mean, get armed up like a 1960's Leftist radical, hijack an oil tanker and sail it to a remote island with no refinery.   Hold the crew hostage, even, while trying to get some concession from the company.   Or blow up a railway track that is only used by a coal mining company to get the black stuff to port (lots of opportunity in Queensland for that.)   I mean, I wouldn't exactly endorse those tactics, but I could at least see the perpetrators as people willing to put their lives and liberty on the line with radical action for their basically legitimate cause.  

But they are just uselessly naive and annoying to think that protesting by inconveniencing ordinary people in traffic (and putting their lives in danger - if they are in an ambulance waiting to get to a hospital), or doing theatrical things to great art, is useful:  it is just patently not going to work.    

We need politicians and climate scientists to be saying this, and not letting useless forms of activism lead to any increase in the Right wing vote in any country, with their dedication to not doing much.

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