Monday, January 30, 2023

As expected, conspiracy self destructs

This really was very funny to watch - some idiot on Fox News being shown up, live, when he attempts to keep a Paul Pelosi conspiracy going:


As far as I can tell, the only significant figure who has offered a (brief, and hardly adequate) apology about helping spread a ridiculous conspiracy is Elon Musk.    The Independent calls it a "half hearted" apology, and notes that it was in response to a tweet by a woman mostly famous for claiming Bill Clinton raped her (hence, it seems, he still gets to stir up anti Democrat support at the same time.)

I still think it's kind of ridiculous that the Californian justice system didn't push back harder on swirling, politically influential, rumours, when it had the evidence to dispel them sitting on a shelf all this time.


Not Trampis said...

This is unbelievable.

John said...

Their promoting the same rubbish on Sky News. They have an audience that laps this stuff up. That is all they care about. This is so frustrating because there is no counter to such narratives. When peoples' cognition is divorced from evidence they can be led up so many garden paths. Haven't looked but Catallaxy is probably still promoting this nonsense.