Friday, January 13, 2023

Lab grown chicken does look pretty good

This video has been out for a couple of weeks, about a couple of well know American Youtubers tasting the product of the Singaporean company that is making (small) amounts of chicken "meat" from lab cultivated cells.

Despite my scepticism of lab grown beef as a potential, economically viable, product, I have to admit that this video is making me reconsider, at least with respect to chicken.  Two reasons - I'm not sure how they have done it, but the texture on one of these examples looks very much the same as real chicken meat (and I do expect that the texture would be easier to copy for chicken than for beef, just because chicken is a more uniform, and softer, meat.  I recently noted that lab grown salmon might be easier too, for the same reason.)  And secondly, it seems the company grows the cells in a plant based serum, whereas I don't know that they have achieved that in beef yet.  Anyway, here it is:

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

chicken never looks good