Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Some light reading on madness for today!

I forget exactly what I was Googling about yesterday when this cropped up:

Did Christianity lead to schizophrenia? Psychosis, psychology and self reference

Well, that's a provocative sounding title!  It's from a journal called Transcultural Psychiatry, which probably has lots of interesting articles, I imagine.

Anyway, it's there to read in full online, and it seems to run, shall we say, a not completely unreasonable argument?   But I haven't had time to read it all carefully yet.



Not Trampis said...

I don't agree with that. Neither do I

Steve said...

I see you liked Oppenheimer, Homer. Hopefully, I see it next weekend.

John said...

This is what happens when there are too many journals trying to maintain publication status.