Thursday, July 20, 2023

Well, I suppose I have to see it

Barbie, that is.  (Just kidding - although the trailer I have seen twice at the cinema now makes it look funnier and more likeable than I expected.  Also, I see there is a right wing culture warrior backlash against it from the "bro" reviewers in the US building, which makes me more curious to see it.  But it can wait until streaming.)

Of course, I am talking Oppenheimer, which is getting very strong reviews, although some have some reservations, it seems.

That's probably a good thing, since it deals with the "expectations too high" issue that can lead to disappointment.   

Jeremy Jahns (the Youtube movie reviewer - he's a likeable presenter, even if I don't always agree with his views) made an good observation in his review about how the table has turned completely on movie special effects.  It used to be, when CGI first gained grounds, that people would go to a movie to enjoy how many CGI shots were used (and how good they could look); but now people go "oooh - a movie that was done with all practical effects - no CGI!  How cool!"   

Which reminds me - I'm pretty sure that one key shot in Mission Impossible 7 was a big scale practical effect - the locomotive doing a dive off the bridge into the river.   It looked pretty good, but I still felt it definitely looked like a large scale model, not a full size locomotive.   But I haven't confirmed that yet...   


Anonymous said...

Of course you’d be off to see Barbie. It’s non-threatening.


Giftlaya said...

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