Monday, August 21, 2023

A likely story

Actually, I have liked the idea that "greys" are future evolved humans for quite a long time.  I don't know who first had that thought, though.

I know, I will ask Perplexity!

Oh damn, it claims not to know either.  It notes that there is some recent content along those lines on Youtube (and a whole book published about it in 2019), but I wonder if it goes back to some obscure science fiction writer.     

Update:   See, this is why I keep a blog: so I can search it to remind myself of things I already knew!

Back in 2013, I had a post noting that the Time Travellers from the Future theory seems to go back to the 1950s, and one (apparently real) guy in particular.  (Googling his name, I just came up with another page about it.)  

Mind you, this guy is supposed to have said Roswell was real (as in, involved aliens of some kind), which I don't believe at all.

So yeah, people with high gullibility seem to go for the "from the future" theory.   I still like it as a fun idea, though.


Anonymous said...

It’s probably all mythology and psy op. But if we take the stories seriously .... the greys would be white collar slaves. See if you are lazy sure you need workers. But you need white collar slaves as well. So you cross-breed these miles but they can’t talk, their skulls are thin and hard. Designed not to be able to create a palace coup.

Anonymous said...

Cross breed these MULES

Anonymous said...

You have to imagine a truncated economy of an interstellar traveller. To see how they would operate. They will have energy, stone building and tunnelling capacity and genetic manipulation. That’s about all. You have to bring the whole farm in your hollowed asteroid but you can’t take a planets worth of technology.