Friday, August 25, 2023

Aren't they pathetic?

On the one hand, the reaction to Trump's poseur mugshot from a bunch of delusional men for whom he (bizarrely) represents a strong man:

In the real world, as reflected on Reddit:

Update:  Another delusional culture war wannabe warrior who's won over by a criminal striking a pose.  

Another update, cos these made me laugh:


Not Trampis said...

Surely he would want a speedy trial if it is a fit up as he is alleging.

He could only want to put the trial off because he knows he is as guilty as hell

Anonymous said...

He’s not perfect. He murdered the General. But he is the only valid President The Americans have and that must count for something. A Jew pretending to be Biden who didn’t win can never be legitimate.

John said...

Remember David Frum's warning: if conservatives have to choose between abandoning conservatism and democracy, they will abandon democracy. Trump is going for broke. He has no choice. It's that or jail. Winning the election is his only hope. His popularity has peaked.

It is not like the citizens have good choices. Biden is not up to the task, his falls and verbal gaffes strongly point to emergent neuro issues. The Democrats made a huge error in not preparing someone to take over after Biden's first term.

Haidt has recently argued that the conditions now are similiar to the conditions prior to the civil war. I can't analyze that but I am concerned that no matter who wins it could become very ugly very quickly.