Saturday, September 02, 2023

Competing theories

I also saw someone on Twitter/X say "what if there's a Pentagon cabal that is worshipping the aliens?", and I have to admit, that could form a fun basis for a screenplay.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see this as a very long run covert ops strategy. But one must be open minded. Though Sitchen himself is a dubious source his broad theory is not so bad.

Moons grow to planets grow to gas giants grow to red dwarves grow to stars grow to bigger stars.

You will note that this reality contradicts Copenhagen buffoonery and mainstream cosmology which is an embarrassment of unreason.

The upshot is that terraforming and alien migration is hardwired into our galaxy. Because planets inevitably get too big for intelligent life to survive. So we have to terraform this planet first, then other planets later. This is a duty.