Friday, September 22, 2023

Funny, tragic, or both?

 Or, as Charlie Pickering says:


Not Trampis said...

it was so in the Republican debate and it is occuring again with the voice.
Elites do not realise they are elites when railing against them.
Murdoch is an ultra-elite

TimT said...

I like how News Corp can provide alternative viewpoints though. Leftist narratives about Murdoch are frequently overblown, turning him into a comic book villain. Probably he has a chip on his shoulder from his student days, and of course (like Kerry Packer and his father) he must have inherited some of that bully-boy roughness from his media mogul parent. The left will miss Rupes when he's gone, because they'll have to come up with another multi-media supervillain then.

Not Trampis said...

I seem to recall a lot of daddy problems with Rupert.
Probably a good reason why he became the most successful businessman we have seen in Australia.
He made sure he wasn't a journalist but part of the political process

Steve said...

Oh Tim, you are being way too soft! It is widely reported that Murdoch senior never liked Trump, but it suited him to let Fox become the Trump News Network because it made him money.

It's that cynicism that really grates.

John said...

About an hour ago I read an article The Guardian, UK version, arguing that in Europe there is a distinct turn against traditional political parties. The swing is predominantly to the "far right" but also the "far left". People are tiring of the elites congratulating themselves and the way the media protects their status. I don't blame the general public for shifting away from centrist parties but they need to recognise that the populist parties they are now supporting are too often composed of people seeking to become elites.

Tim, I thought the left already had a replacement for Murdoch: Musk.

Steve said...

Of course, there is also the matter of Rupert being all flippy floppy on climate change - claiming in 2006 that the planet needed to be "given the benefit of the doubt", and in 2023, the Australian (and Australian Sky News and Fox News) remain hotbeds of denialism and inaction.

People say that Lachlan is worse than his father, in that he is more of a libertarian purist. But at least it would seem he is unlikely to try to play all sides in the way his father has, and that may well make him less able to influence.

Not Trampis said...

Like every media owner murdoch was a player not an actor but without having to gain votes