Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The practical problem for pro-trans activism

I think I only follow one anti-trans movement person on x/Twitter - Graham Linehan - and I have criticised him before for becoming obsessive on the topic.   It's also well known that Musk has anti-trans sentiment, given that he has fallen out with a daughter over it, so it may be that the algorithm actively promotes trans sceptic content.  So, I know that there is a reason I might be getting trans sceptic tweets pushed my way.

But still - I find it hard to believe that liberal, pro trans rights type people can use social media and not agree that there is some extremism and nuttiness on display in the community they never criticise.  

Without even going into the most extreme examples, such as the "transwomen" whose allegedly erotic selfies make it clear that they are that way because of autogynephilic transsexualism (something pro-trans hate, because conservatives can easily argue that those men are just acting on a fetish, and most people don't consider fetishes as warranting respect) - there is a lot of pretty intense level narcissism on display.  

I wonder sometimes if I am being unfair about this - it has become normalised that young people in particular will continuously post selfies in a way that I wouldn't say necessarily indicates narcissism - but I still find it hard not to conclude that anyone over 30 who feels the need to post selfies all the time has some serious insecurities.

And what about this?   He's running for the Greens in Scotland, apparently:

I can't believe that people would not think there is a deep level of attention seeking nuttiness on display here...



John said...

When a person or group becomes a protected entity immune from criticism the worst aspects of human behavior become elevated. Totalitarian governments, dictators, individuals from minority groups, and activists who are shielded from criticism because racism and discrimination.

We should be free to call people like Heather Herbert narcissistic idiots in need of intensive psychotherapy or a kick in the bum.

machine en ligne said...

Thanks for the great work you've done on this blog