Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Oh dear

Noticed on Twitter, the non-binary aboriginal Professor (University of Sunshine Coast) who is currently in the USA doing stuff:

But "listening" means also making sure Sandy's feelings are OK, apparently:


Oh, and if you are wondering how the Department of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University (with which O'Sullivan has a lot of connection) are taking the loss, the answer is "not well".

The head of  the Department, Bronwyn Carlson, was recently funded by the Winston Churchill Trust to do this project:

To investigate community approaches to rethinking colonial commemorations and their wider impacts
The description:

Every year protests against colonial commemorations are led by Indigenous peoples. There are numerous cases where communities have worked together to rectify commemorations which often represent violent histories, in the hope to reconcile the past and imagine a shared future. Little is known about the journeys undertaken for such efforts, and what the wider impacts might be. This project will investigate case studies in New Zealand, USA, Canada and Norway, noting that local-level efforts have the potential for significant global benefit. The focus will be on the approaches taken by these communities, the challenges and lessons learnt, and resulting changes for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous futures.

Sounds like there might be travel for Carlson for her to write a report that will achieve nothing of significance, to be perfectly honest.

Update:   More Sandy:

Sandy's work at the moment:


John said...

For an example of how ridiculous some of the claims about indigenous people I read this last night:

They most likely launched from Western Timor or a place known as Rote in the lesser Sunda chain of islands off Indonesia. As a feat of exploration and technology, this final leap from Asia into Australia was comparable to anything that follow: Admiral Zheng He's fleet of 312 ships and 28,000 crewman during the Ming Dynasty, Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe in the middle ages, even the Apollo mission to the moon.

page 92, Buckley's Chance: The Incredible true story of William Buckley and how he conquered a new world. Garry Linnell

I've read a number genetic studies which for the greater part point to the PNG Cape York land bridge as the most likely entry point. We'll probably never know with complete certainty but the type of hyperbole above is a stunning example of how ridiculously overblown some claims of indigenous technology are.

Not Trampis said...

one you should never be on twitter
two you should never listen to a non-binary person as they do not exist

TimT said...

This has been a hard one for the activist left (well, the ones who supported the YES campaign) to let go of. Images of Aboriginal flags with broken hearts, 'sorry' posts, and catechistic recitals of stock phrases ('Always was, always will be Aboriginal land') abound. A DJ apparently went rogue on Triple J and played Yothu Yindi's 'Treaty' on loop for an hour! (Incoherent message, but anyway...) It all seems rather over the top for a group of people who were proclaiming before the referendum that the Voice was just an advisory body, nothing to get too excited about...!

John said...

Twitter was created by a Machiavellian demon with the intention of allowing human beings to destroy their credibility in 140 characters.