Monday, October 23, 2023

Random observations

*   I think Biden is doing a reasonable job in terms of response to the Middle East crisis.  I have been wondering for many months, though, about why he looks so stiff when walking.  I mean, he still rides a bike, I think, and looks younger than his age when he does so.  But watching him walk, he looks older.   In any event, whatever you think of him, and whatever (perhaps very strong) doubts you have about his running again because of age optics, surely if you have half a brain you would have to agree that we can at least give thanks that Trump and his weirdo crew are not the ones making difficult decisions at this time.

*  The whole Middle East situation is, though, (and obviously), depressing.  

*  Elon Musk seems to have gone relatively quiet, which is good.

*  I have a holiday coming up.   Doing enough work before I go to cover the cost of it is worrying!

*  I maintain my personal theory that a lot of the "food insecurity" crisis (at least in Australia) is caused by people who refuse to adjust their diet and purchases to take into account the continual variation in  market prices.   I mean, I shop for protein, fruit and vegetables for a few meals usually once a week, and simply don't buy certain vegetables when they are ridiculously expensive.   But different things are cheap at different times of the year.  This spring, strawberries and blueberries, in particular, have been really cheap for a good month.  Capsicum were really cheap for a few weeks too - as were eggplant, and (as usual in spring) asparagus.  Cans of tomatoes or chick peas can be on special for $1.   And rice - really, do Australians eat enough rice?  It goes such a long way in making a filling meal.  

I don't know:  maybe the national broadcaster needs to do a TV show devoted to showing dumb people what's cheap this week, and how to make it into a good and filling meal?



John said...

Biden is old and behaving in ways indicative of declining brain function.
Trump has always been ignorant. Recent speeches of his clearly demonstrate cognitive decline. His attention span is shot, his emotionality is heightened even from a previously high base, his language and memory slip ups are increasingly common. Naturally the Trump lovers refuse to acknowledge this but it is very obvious.

Except for those renting and on a pension\dole food insecurity is nonsense. Stop buying takeaway, meat is very expensive. Vegetables are cheap, and so are some fruits and nuts. Need protein, try whey protein, cheapest source of high quality protein available. Bulk Nutrients in Tasmania provides very good products. There is the zinc and b12 issue to consider when going vegan.

Not Trampis said...

i agree Biden has been reasonable in Israel/ Hamas He has tried to tone down their revenge behaviour but to no avail.

Anyone who does not take into price movements deserves all the food insecurity they have!