Friday, December 01, 2023

Musk unravelling?

While there are quite a few people on Twitter saying it, I don't know that reporting in the main stream media is sufficiently stating what seemed pretty obvious:   Musk looked drug addled and/or otherwise mentally not very well during his lengthy interview.  Look at this bland report in the NYT for example.

I can't for the life of me understand how quasi-libertarians like him can't see the hypocrisy in getting upset when companies don't want to be associated with them.  Free speech, and freedom to spend your money the way you want, except when it comes to you, corporation whose advertising dollar I am relying on.


Not Trampis said...

He is unravelling because his persona has been spiked.
He never di believe in free speech.
If advertisers leave twitter then that is blackmail however if you want newssmedia on twitter then you have to pay!
his business acumen has been shown to be very poor. It seems he does not have transferrable skills. what works in the automobile industry does not work for twitter.

He paid way too much for it and it has fallen like a rock under his leadership.

He is a fan of conspiracy theories and anti-semitic thinking

John said...

He is unravelling because his persona has been spiked.
He never di believe in free speech.

On The Drum and ethicist stated that while elites like Musk preach a libertarian style demand for freedom what they want is freedom for themselves and the rest can bugger off.

He's ruined X and recent outbursts have further eroded the advertising base.

I'm glad his perception bubble has burst because there is far too much elite worship going on.