Monday, February 05, 2024

So about that Apple headset thingy

Some Tweets:


Some nuance:

On that last point, though, I posted years ago about WhatsApp or similar helping promote lynchings  and other panics in some poor countries.  Let me find it.  Ok, here it is.

I watched some reviews of the Apple headset on the weekend.  It's nearly universally greeted with "Well, this is amazing, but you could only use it for an hour or so due to the weight and eye strain, but it shows us the future.  Don't sweat it, it'll be really good when they improve it in the upcoming versions - maybe in 2 or 3 versions time."

As such, I still don't expect it to get a large following.

1 comment:

John said...

"Some nuance"

No, the mental health crisis is also in Europe and Australia.

I think these headsets will go the way of 3d Cinema. A big problem is that many people use video games like X Box not just for individual use but as a social activity. Headsets take that away.