Friday, May 31, 2024

Reactionary conservatives have become too stupid to bother engaging with (Part 10,000)

They literally have circled around far enough to the Right to shake hands with Communists and fascist murdering leaders (both with territorial expansionary plans) because, hey, any enemy of my domestic political opponent is a friend of mine.

When have we seen such cynical and deadly politics before?  Gee, I don't know.  (The main historical difference being you can't trust the current nutball Right to renege on the peace deal with dictators.)

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

They are idiots who swallow any part of Putin's propaganda.

I find it both amusing but also very scary that people who claim to be conservative do not even understand what the rule of law is.
Only they can decide what is investigated and whom is prosecuted.

Please note I saw nowhere anyone claiming Trump was innocent. No rather the claim was the trial should not have eventuated.