Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Who put a curse on the Olympics?

The Tokyo Olympics should have been a fun time in what is now a wildly popular international tourist destination.  But instead, Covid meant it was an empty audience affair that was pretty much devoid of memorable highlights.

Now, Paris is getting close to its hosting role, and could the international climate possibly get any worse for the expectation of violent, possibly murderous, protest, especially given the city's high Muslim population?   The gendarmes heading into New Caledonia will probably end up killing a few Kanaks too, and I can imagine South Pacific Islanders wanting to protest colonialism.  I also wouldn't be entirely comfortable if I were a Russian competitor or supporter either - even though they are attending under a neutral flag. 

It all puts the case for locating the games permanently in Greece all the stronger.  Maybe Brisbane should offer to help fund a relocation of its Olympics to Athens, too.  Would save a lot of the hassle and indecision we're seeing here...

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