Thursday, June 13, 2024

In popular entertainment news

This Netflix movie seems to be attracting a lot of commentary along these lines:

Many, many people seem to be completely puzzled by the glowing professional reviews, and even suspect some sort of chicanery.

Similarly, the new Disney Star Wars series The Acolyte is attracting truck loads of amusing ridicule from former Star Wars fans (and in particular, those "bro" type reviewers who have been complaining - not without some justification - about its obvious feminisation ever since the last 3 movies).   This latest show apparently features a coven of lesbian witches who use the Force to procreate without the need of men, which genuinely does sound like some sort of extreme lesbian fever dream.  And apart from that bit of weirdness, is said to have terrible dialogue, charmless leads, and generally makes no sense.  

I have not cared for the Star Wars universe in any great depth for decades - it peaked at The Empire Strikes Back, after all - although I did keep seeing the movies, except for the last one which it seemed absolutely no one liked much.   None of the Disney TV content based in the universe has impressed me enough to keep watching it after a few of episodes. 

Anyway, the point is that the professional reviewers have generally been praising The Acolyte - and the disparity with audience reactions is pretty huge.  Once again, it seems lots of people don't understand why.  

The only thing that will resolve this will a diminishing audience, I guess.    


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