Friday, June 07, 2024

Still here

I had a couple of days off this week, in celebration of a wedding anniversary, and used points to pay for the fanciest hotel at Noosa (now the Sofitel - it used to be the Sheraton) which is right on Hastings Street.

I've never stayed there before, and I was suitably impressed.  (Mind you, if we were paying cash for it, it would want to be good for the very high price for a night with breakfast - about $600.)   The hotel is in good condition - it's been there a long time, but I would say its had an upgrade no so long ago.  The room was huge, and we chose the one facing the Noosa River at the rear.  (I don't think you can see the beach from the other side anyway, due to the rows of apartments across the road.)   It's a nice view at the back:


And a late sunset shot:

And the beach itself was in fine form, with a couple of fantastic 21 degree sunny Queensland days:


I honestly think this is probably the best beach in the world - facing north, the headland to the East means it's rarely too rough or windy, yet there are usually at least some worthwhile waves to make a swim more interesting than still water.  Nor is it prone to erosion, and the water is nearly always clear.  (Occasionally it will have a temporary issue with some seaweed/algae that blooms naturally, but excessively - but it is very infrequent.)  Dolphins are often to be seen - and koalas in the nearby national park.   And the water temperature isn't too warm in summer, like it can be a bit further north.  It's in the sweet spot of water temperatures off the Queensland coast - not too warm, not too cold.  (I think it was 21 or 22 degrees the other day - which still feels cools when the air is the same temperature, but is way better than typical Sydney beach temperatures.  A few degrees makes a lot of difference.)

So yes, it was a great time.   I could happily retire there, I think; although I do know from living around the corner at Sunshine Beach for a couple of years in my thirties  that you do get too used to beautiful views too quickly.  Anyway, winning the lottery would be required first...

PS - I forgot to mention the lorikeets that were nesting in the planter box on our room balcony.  Very charming.

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