Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The party for the very, very easily convinced

That graphic is...really embarrassingly amateur! 

The first comments currently following the post:


John said...

If you want to see a politician completely thrashed watch Insiders today where Speers mauled O'Brien. Speers came armed to teeth and made the nuclear option look like economic and energy suicide.

So now I'm changing my mind about nuclear ... .

Steve said...

You mean you were previously keen on it?

I saw some of the Speers interview but not all. Lots of people on Twitter who have criticised him for being too soft on the Coalition (and having too many right wing journalists on the show) were praising him for the tough interview he gave this time.

John said...

You mean you were previously keen on it?

The problem with renewables is the supply of raw materials. If countries start installing renewables at the required speed we may not be able to dig the minerals out fast enough.

I have some sympathy for country folk who don't like wind turbines dotting the landscape.

Will anything make a difference now? GHGs continue to rise and record temperatures every year. I accept AGW but prophets have a habit of predicting the worst of all possible outcomes. If they are right 1.5 degrees is locked in, 3-5 degrees is more probable, and all hell will break loose.