Tuesday, June 18, 2024

To even things up after the last post - what a bore Tim Blair has become

First, some snark:   according to the Daily Telegraph site, Tim Blair looks like this:

 In fact, I see from accidentally watching some Sky News that he now looks like this:

He has had two health crises that he has written about (major bowel cancer and a heart attack), so it's not just being a right wing hack who has never changed an opinion in light of accumulated evidence that has aged him.

Of course, I don't subscribe to the Murdoch media, so I don't get to read his columns, which (as far as I can tell) are virtually identical to those written 15 years ago, but I do sometimes see bits of them elsewhere.  Hence I know that he wrote this today:  

We were promised rising oceans. The seas would consume our coastlines, they said. Waves would crush our capital cities, they said. Fancy coastal dwellers would be forced inland to Brewarrina or Cobar, we hoped.

Tragically, sea levels seem not to have budged at all despite decades of anguished saline panic. But this year might turn things around.

This year could deliver the ocean-boosting downpours we’ve all been desperately waiting for.

And they’ll likely be thanks not to climate change, which comes up short every single time, but to left-wing election defeats – and the fountains of commie tears that could follow, drenching ABC newsrooms and loading waterways to overflowing.

The distress is already under way in Queensland, although their election isn’t due until October 26.

Labor types are wailing over the latest Pauline Hanson “Please explain” video, which mockingly depicts Robert Irwin and children’s cartoon favourite Bluey attempting to promote the complete shambles that is modern Queensland. 

So yeah, Blair now defends a political party using a non-political media figure and business man and a copyrighted cartoon character in a party partisan advertisement?   How pathetic.   

As for sea level rise:

Yeah, nothing to see there, you blind culture war bore.  

You'd think he knows some Right wing buddy who lives in Florida, where the sea level rise is grudgingly half-admitted by even the Republican government:

"Presently, sea level is tracking in the intermediate-high to high, the two fastest," said Randall Parkinson, a coastal geologist with Florida International University. "The other three scenarios, you might not even think about because we're already rising faster than that."

Those are the same predictions used by South Florida governments when deciding how high to build new developments. But after a new bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis this year, local governments hoping for state money for sea rise projects have to only consider the intermediate-low and intermediate scenarios, a downgrade from previous legislation that asked them to consider intermediate-low and intermediate-high scenarios.

Two feet of sea rise by 2060, compared to present-day levels, would be a shock to the system for Miami, where the average elevation is three feet. That's why local governments—and the state—are spending billions to keep streets dry.
He still drones on and on about the ABC needing to be closed down too - my old theory is that he has never gotten over being dropped from a trial run of a late night radio show there in 2001. 

Anyway, drone on, Tim.  You've painted yourself into close minded irrelevancy.

Update:  I searched the blog for previous commentary on Blair, and had forgotten that in 2018 I really got stuck into him a lot.  

And yes, at the start of the blog, when I thought that the right leaning blogosphere often made appropriate fun of many on the Left for their over-reactions to some pretty centrist Liberal stuff, I liked a lot of his content.

The trouble is, the Right went increasingly nuts and anti-science and far into the culture war undergrowth, and Blair kept going right along with them, refusing to ever re-consider positions in light of evidence and reality.  

True, parts of the Left have also gone nuttier than ever (around identity politics primairily) too, but you can't be centrist and still endorse Blair and his ilk. 

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