Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Could the New York Times be making it harder for Biden to withdraw by pushing so hard?

Look at the headlines on the NYT website today:

 That top article is way, way less convincing than the headline would lead you to believe - you can read it all here.

I do want to point out, though, that my talk about the concern that his face and movement is reminding people of Parkinson's is more widespread than I realised:

Kevin C. O’Connor, the White House physician, said as recently as February that despite minor ailments like sleep apnea and peripheral neuropathy in his feet, the president was “fit for duty.” He said tests had turned up “no findings which would be consistent with” Parkinson’s disease. The White House has declined to make Dr. O’Connor available for questions and did not respond to detailed health questions from The New York Times earlier this year.

Responding to questions from The New York Times, Mr. Bates, the White House spokesman, said Tuesday that Dr. O’Connor had found no reason to re-evaluate Mr. Biden for Parkinson’s disease and that he showed no signs of Parkinson’s and had never taken Levodopa or other drugs for that condition.

I also hasten to repeat:  even if he had early signs of Parkinsons (without tremor) that would not mean that MAGA idiots have been right about him suffering dementia for years.   They are still offensive malevolent idiots for running that Goebbels propaganda.  

Anyway, my post's headline makes, I think, a point I haven't seen anyone else run - if you want to push a leader out who likes the job, you might achieve it better by not shouting at him, but by appearing less emotionally involved.

I'm pretty close to cancelling my NYT sub - I enjoy the writers at the WAPO more anyway.



Not Trampis said...

I have a few problems here.
No-one but no-one puts up a candidate who is not up to it.

The debate must be considered a one-off but why. The reasons put out are crap.
That can only be they just do not know.

with the Supreme court fully supporting Trump it is looking scary

John said...

Long distance dementia diagnosis makes for headlines and poor judgement. It could be Parkinson's, Alz, vascular dementia, Lewy bodies ... . The reason I prefer MCI is because it is generic, 2/3 of people 70+ have cognitive impairment, and even in 2020 I was telling people Biden clearly was having cognitive issues. They could at least give him creatine and Glynac!

I checked 538 yesterday. Trump was leading in every poll. The Democrats were foolish not to prepare a successor after 2020. I don't know why they didn't do that. Perhaps they thought that Trump's legal issues would turn people away. It's not over yet but if I had to place a bet ... .