Thursday, July 11, 2024

I don't know - George hasn't made a lot of good movie decisions for a long, long time....

I tend to agree with the BBC:  George Clooney coming out and saying "yeah, Joe Biden really is greatly diminished now" is probably more harmful to public perceptions of the President than what a lot of self-serving politicians say.

But, as my heading to this post argues - where's the evidence that George has a good idea anymore of what the public wants?   It's certainly not been reflected in his movie choices for a long, long time.

One thing that has been bugging me about this - if Kamala Harris is his replacement (and lots of people think the party will tear itself up in a bun fight - including over money - if she isn't), how sure can we be that she will ultimately poll any better than Biden?

Hasn't it been true for a long time that Trump is significantly more popular with men than women?   Does anyone really think Harris is the type of female politician to draw back men who would think about Trump?   

I really know nothing of the political performance of Harris - and because of that, it seems true that her public image is one of a politician without much depth.   (Yes, too many videos exist of her laughing and dancing.)  Of course, this may be a funny criticism to make when her opponent is the shallowest politician, like, ever; but we know he has a cultish, weird following, including of those who don't care for him personally but think they can get what they want through him anyway.  So even though Trump is repulsive to normal humans, you can't just put up anyone against him.

Is there that much time for her to turn that around?   I doubt it.   

Would a potential boost from women to vote Democrat outweigh the possible loss of men who won't vote for a woman of colour?   Who knows?   I really don't think it is a safe assumption, especially if Harris doesn't campaign all that well.  

And besides, as I have said before, if you want Harris, you know you'll get her if Biden wins and really does have to resign before the end of his term anyway.   So if you like Harris, why wouldn't you vote for Biden?

I think there are some pretty big miscalculations going on....



Not Trampis said...

biden is gone. All the media is about him and they are all waiting for the next slip up.
There is no way the election will be about Trump if biden is the democrat nominee.
The election has to be all about trump for him to be beaten.
with Harris it could be. with biden it won't be.
It aint fair but politics aint fair

John said...

The election has to be all about trump for him to be beaten.

True dat. The latest press conference was another train wreck. Biden is so far gone he doesn't know he is gone politically and cognitively.

I know nothing about Harris but I imagine she will come out swinging against Trump and that might be enough. Biden is nowhere near enough. She and the media need to keep the focus on Trump's character and lies.

The change needs to happen now.

Steve said...

Um, I haven't seen the press conference yet, but quite a few people I trust on Twitter said it was not perfect, but pretty good. Good enough at least to hold off the dump Biden movement for a while.

Not Trampis said...

you are missing the point.
From now on it is only the verbal flubs people will concentrate on after that disastrous debate.
This is why Biden will be the issue which is why he has to go.

to be honest I thought he was very impressive in the press conference.

After the debate we are still none the wiser why Biden was like that nor why they were so late in organising press conferences and one on one interviews to show he was still okay.
his team is hopeless