Friday, July 19, 2024

I think that Covid has sealed his fate

Generally speaking, I have been agreeing (mostly) with Jennifer Rubin's "hot takes" on Twitter about the Biden situation, even though she decided about a week or so ago (I think) that Biden does have to give up.  Here's one she wrote, updating her take on the whole matter, that I saw yesterday:

I also agree with David Roberts, who has really been grinding his teeth about the media over this:

Most people answer: 

And this is exactly how the NYT will frame it:

1 comment:

John said...

Biden is finished. Damage control is the imperative. Who would want that poisoned chalice? Harris will be left with no choice. The upside might be she will surprise everyone by coming out all guns blazing, relentlessly attacking Trump. She will have ample opportunities because the MAGA mob rhetoric has become ridiculous and even more dangerous.