Friday, July 05, 2024

Idiot celebrates idiot

When exit polls indicated this, Rowan, a professional idiot, was happy:

As the count has gone on, the Reform Party seems destined to get maybe 4, although more seats are yet to be declared.   Never mind, Dean sees the upside (and in truth, I guess this would count as a troll in any normal brained person, but with Rowan, who knows?):


As for the rest of us - why has Farage attracted so much attention as if he is a force in politics, when the outcome is so weak?  I saw Barrie Cassidy on Twitter ask this, so I'm not alone...


John said...

The only reason the Reform Party did well is because so many conservatives were loathe to vote for Labour and couldn't vote for their preferred party because it is a horror show so the only alternative was the Reform Party.

To maintain my centrist position. I watched an video of Petersen and Farage. Farage made some good points, especially about the ridiculously high levels of immigration over the last 2 years. Of course he didn't mention that it was utterly stupid to go for Brexit without first securing alternative trade opportunities. What moron forgot to do that Nigel?

Not Trampis said...

what about their economic platform. cut taxes but boost spending but don't you worry about the deficit as it will fall

John said...

what about their economic platform. cut taxes but boost spending but don't you worry about the deficit as it will fall

Worked a treat for Reagan not.

In the debate Trump boasted that he would place a 10% tariff on all imports which would pay down the deficit. He thus admitted that the tariff would not return manufacturing to the USA and that citizens would be slugged 10% on most purchases, effectively creating a new tax.

Am I wrong? Asking because I haven't seen any journalists raise that point.