Thursday, July 25, 2024

I'm no ballistics expert, but...

...I'm pretty sure that if even a tiny edge of an AR15 bullet hit your ear tip, it would do more damage than a mere scratch that doesn't need stitches.   Kinetic energy, and all that.   

I would bet money on it being shrapnel, especially as there are reports of others being hit by it too. 

I guess I should add that it doesn't matter much:  either way, he obviously did come close to being hit by an actual bullet.   (And then got an immediate narcissistic thrill that he had been missed, which he turned into political theatre instead of leaving in a hurry in case there was a second gunman somewhere.)   It is irksome for him (and his cult) to refer to an ear scratch, probably from shrapnel, as "taking a bullet", but of course he lies continually and everyone knows that, so just add it to the litany of self- aggrandisement that is Trump.

I thought it interesting at the convention that Trump also specifically praised the crowd for not "running for the exits".  Oh yeah - MAGA followers are so "brave" that they don't even all have the common sense to duck when there are bullets flying around.   (Some did, but many just stayed standing, and videoing it on their phones.)


Anonymous said...

Yes good call. I think he would be deaf in one ear now if that was the bullet. We now know that there were also subsonic bullets flying around. So that may explain his lack of major physical damage.

Anonymous said...

There looks to have been 4 shooting positions NOT including the rooftop. The rooftop poser was not Crooks, did not get off a shot, and Crooks is still alive……… So far.