Friday, July 05, 2024

I'm with Aaron

Yes, I read her piece in full and it was not journalism - it's a purple prose picture painting from someone with revenge in mind.    

Aaron's summary here is spot on:


Not Trampis said...

yeah yeah yeah. Politics is not fair.
Biden's camp must have known after that performance biden would have to do things to show that it was a one-off. Say a few press conferences, a few one on ones etc but they did nothing except offer pathetic excuses.

If biden has been okay everyone would have been talking about Trump's useful performance.

Steve said...

Well, Homer, I think it's a legit complaint that it is so much like "but her emails!" - the mainstream media having a completely "off" sense of proportion in the emphasis in its political coveragr.

Not Trampis said...

agreed but as I said politics is not fair

Steve said...

The question is: why is the unfairness in the direction of the "not a fascist" candidate/side.

In the case of the MAGA right wing media, we know the answer is "money" pure and simple.

It's a bit harder to perceive the reason that MSM does not understand the harm in acting as if "horse-racing" coverage is highly dangerous when one side is so patently dangerous to democracy and good goverance.

John said...

Blogger Steve said...

It's a bit harder to perceive the reason that MSM does not understand the harm in acting as if "horse-racing" coverage is highly dangerous when one side is so patently dangerous to democracy and good governance.

I raised this with some USA people last night and suggested that a big part of the problem is that left wing journalists are either too stupid or too gutless to continually highlight Trump's failings. No-one challenged that.

Not Trampis said...

you still cannot get past biden's camp.
the excuses for biden were laughable and the instant thing to show it was a one-off was a press conference yet all we got form him was biden refusing to answer any questions.

I am thinking he is gone

Not Trampis said...

as long as Biden is the candidate he will be scrutinised to see if he is up to speed. We know from long experience Biden will make verbal gaffes ,
This will be seen as further evidence of his decline.
biden not Trump wil lbe the issue and that will mean a trump win

He is gone

John said...

as long as Biden is the candidate he will be scrutinised to see if he is up to speed. We know from long experience Biden will make verbal gaffes ,
This will be seen as further evidence of his decline.
biden not Trump wil lbe the issue and that will mean a trump win

He is gone

Hawke made an interesting comment about Reagan. He said that during a meeting where many administration officials were present Reagan would often defer to them to answer questions he asked. Hawke perceived that Reagan was having cognitive issues. Reagan's behavior suggested he knew he had cognitive issues.

Biden doesn't. I think his minders have refused to raise the issue with him. I'm angry at the left for failing to raise this issue years ago. I told people in 2020 that Biden is a bad second term candidate but my left wing friends in the USA didn't accept that.

It's too early to trust the polls on the issue but I have to agree with you. It looks like a Trump win is locked in; especially given the recent Supreme Court nonsensical decision which will probably prevent the upcoming trials happening before November.