Sunday, July 28, 2024

Musk and Twitter

If my experience of using Twitter is any guide, there's no doubt that Musk uses it to push unwanted Right wing, and Republican, views on the "For You" side.   That's how I know how so many Republican politicians, for example, freaked out about the Olympic opening ceremony, with the (admittedly oddball) queer Last Supper set up, featuring a near naked blue Smurf-y guy singing - something.  (I see now that he was meant to be Dionysus.  Huh.)

And then lots of American Evangelical types called the robot horse "Satanical", "straight out of Revelations", and how it was all out war on Christianity, etc etc.

Even Musk himself decided to join the chorus - yes, the guy whose personal life is about as Christian as Donald Trump's.   

I think it's all a storm in a teacup.  Sure, it perhaps stands as a warning to giving the top creative job of such an event to someone evangelically gay (so to speak) - but the bigger lesson to take from it is how dangerous the American Christian Right is, with their spurious religious claims and desire to force it on everyone.  

Update:  I see that the artist director (and others) have said it was inspired by another painting showing a Feast of Dionysus.  But the halo like thing around the central figure seems to counter that.  I think they were probably trying to have it both ways.    In any case, it didn't seem particularly French (even the Smurfs, if that was the look the singer was going for, were Belgian, not French), or Olympian.  

But as Adam said:


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