Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On the question of anyone "debating" Trump

I don't really know why it isn't the Democrats saying something like this: "We don't see any point in a further 'debate' with Donald Trump.  As demonstrated in the last attempt, he does not know how to 'debate' - he simply states lies, falsehood and misleading statements and if challenged, simply reiterates that 'its true', which in the world of MAGA is accepted as the final word.   As such, giving him a platform to repeat lies and never concede when they are demonstrably wrong simply worsens the epistemological crisis that the Right Wing has created over the last decade by making impossible any genuine debate based on certain facts being 'real' and needing to be conceded as such."   


John said...

She could go after him much more effectively than Biden ever did. She could challenge his lies and ask him questions that he does not want to answer. Trump's record as president is easy pickings. He failed to achieved so much he promised that Harris could attack repeatedly attack him. Even if she just keeps using the word "failure" might be enough to set Trump off and lose his cool.

The problem for Trump is that the polls are already swinging. There are voters who were loathe to vote for Trump but also were convinced Biden was cognitively impaired. They will swing to Harris and so will most independents.
This now looks like an interesting race.

Steve said...

Yes, maybe. I certainly don't imagine her putting up with him walking around stage and lurking menacingly behind her, like he did with Clinton.

But the reality is, while most leader debates are pretty useless and are not really "debates", they are especially useless when they are used by someone like Trump to reinforce the alternative reality he and his followers live in by refusing to show the minimum element of good faith required for a debate - being willing to concede when a fact is real and disproves what they have just claimed.

John said...

Fair enough, I'm being optimistic. I am fed up with how Trump keeps lying and yet publicly no-one challenges him face to face. There are plenty of vloggers, journalists and pollies calling him out but I want it face to face, I want to see him cornered, squirming and pinned to the wall, reducing to rambling even more stupidity than he already does, if that is possible.

You may call me a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

Not Trampis said...

you cannot dodge a debate merely because the other person lies.

It is up to the person to point put the lies and biden could not do that. I think Harris will

Steve said...

But we all know it will go like this:

Harris: "That is a demonstrable lie. The latest figures from XYZ show that in fact..."

Trump: "It's not a lie, you're quoting fake figures put out by a source that has always been against me, and no one believes them."

MAGA audience: "wow, Donald really showed her up!"

John said...

The MAGA audience isn't the target. It is the swing voters, the independents, those who as the polls have indicated don't want Trump or Biden.

Not Trampis said...

john is correct