Monday, July 01, 2024

Some letters to the New York Times

To paraphrase the great Mark Twain, your report of President Biden’s cognitive demise is greatly exaggerated. Not to mention premature.

The president is probably one of the worst extemporaneous public speakers to hold his office. Age has made his lack of skill in this area worse, but that does not mean it has impaired his intellectual capacity.

To the extent that your rationale for urging him to step aside is that Donald Trump must be beaten, your call seems still more unwarranted. There is no alternative Democratic candidate whom polls show convincingly beating the presumptive Republican nominee.

If President Biden remains the candidate and loses, The Times can say I told you so. But others will say that the most viable Democratic alternative to Mr. Trump was materially hobbled by an ill-considered rush to judgment.


So let me get this straight. A presidential candidate who is a convicted felon gives a debate performance that is often incoherent, consists primarily of obvious lies, and includes a refusal to unconditionally commit to accepting the results of the presidential election, and your editorial is filled with histrionic calls to remove the other guy who’s run the country ably and ethically for almost four years because he had an off night on the stage?

You really should have consulted with your theater critics, who can school you in the many ways the run of the show ultimately matters more than the blips in previews. Your failure to focus your outrage on Donald Trump’s truly bizarre and bewildering statements in favor of such an overwrought and shortsighted response to Mr. Biden lets the real danger to our democracy off the hook.


Those who live in a retirement complex with dozens of retired scholars, administrators and researchers in their late 80s and 90s as I do are not panicked about President Biden’s “performance” on Thursday night. Stuttering and losing one’s train of thought are hardly signs of incompetence. They are signs of loss of verbal dexterity. Period.

Younger people who are brash and opinionated and bloviate find slow word-finding horrifying. However, there is nothing more horrifying to me than impulsively judging a statesman after one bad performance.

This is the most competent and experienced leader our country has had in decades. Look at this in perspective and stop fear-mongering.
Here's the link to the whole letters column, which is pretty short, really, given how many letters they must have got on this issue.


Not Trampis said...

Yeah I think the reaction has been over the top and Trump's 'contribution' to the debate overlooked

John said...

The video I provided in the other link as evidence of change in Biden's cognition has just been published in for the same reason.

Those who live in a retirement complex with dozens of retired scholars, administrators and researchers in their late 80s and 90s as I do are not panicked about President Biden’s “performance” on Thursday night. Stuttering and losing one’s train of thought are hardly signs of incompetence. They are signs of loss of verbal dexterity. Period.

Retired and living in care facilities! The most powerful position in the world should be held by someone at the peak of ability.

Those qualities are signs of cognitive impairment. Loss of verbal dexterity is a sign of loss of verbal intelligence. Period. They are trying too hard. They are also missing the point. Appearances matter and Biden appears old and cognitively impaired. People can stomp their feet through to November but failing to address appearances matter in politics is willful ignorance.

That's why Trump lies through his teeth all the time. How many people carefully listen to lyrics in songs? So many lyrics of songs regarded as great are rubbish. I have long told people that instead of watching a politician speak find a transcript because it is surprising how often they are speaking nonsense or clearly invoking trigger words and phrases.

A stark difference is that while Reagan clearly had declined it was rarely mentioned but with Biden everyone is talking about it.

Not Trampis said...


you have to compare him to the other bloke!

John said...


you have to compare him to the other bloke!

I have and repeatedly stated Biden is the better choice because the administration will run the country but with Trump he will run the country. I'm tired of people making stuff to support their position. With rare exception it is ridiculous expect anyone past 75 to be anywhere near peak cognitive performance. At that age fluid intelligence crashed and crystalized challenge is well past the peak.

Not Trampis said...

agreed but at present you have to choose between biden and Trump

John said...

agreed but at present you have to choose between biden and Trump

I've made my choice obvious but that doesn't entail me making stuff up to support my choice.