Friday, August 16, 2024

Biden blows apart an attempted Trump narrative

The one about how incredibly bitter he is over giving up his candidacy, and he might try to take it back at the convention.  He was talking here with Kamala Harris on the same stage.

Update:  meanwhile, in Trump world -  

Also, I find it hard to disagree with this, even though I don't use that language:

 I actually suspect that even the most diehard of pro-Trump types in the couple of Australian Right Wing blogs I look at are finding it extremely difficult to keep crediting Trump as being smart.   He's just providing too much evidence against himself. 


John said...

The reason why so many jobs are going to migrants is because there are fewer citizens available to work. Some weeks ago myself and a friend were discussing the idea of a hidden agenda behind the "migrant crisis" and concluded that agenda is chronic labour shortage in the USA.

On Catallaxy Tom stated Trump has a 150+IQ. Lost cause. Tom is a journalist who everyday on multiple occasions breaches copyright by posting various cartoons on the Cat. Smart not.

Steve said...

Ha! I am very amused about Tom's take on Trump's IQ. The other big goose there who probably genuinely thinks Trump is a genius is cohenite. (Who is also somewhat of a genius in his own mind, I reckon.)

John said...

I honestly don't know if cohenite is spouts nonsense for fun or is serious.

Steve said...

Serious, I'm pretty sure. Hasn't he said he's been banned from more than one talkback radio station for being extreme or obnoxious (or both).

Not Trampis said...

Neither he or his maga base realise just how stupid the statement is

John said...

I know of 2 occasions he has mentioned.

Not Trampis said...

We should also remember almost every book written on the Trump administration made comments to the effect a lot of people who worked with Trump thought him stupid or worse