Monday, August 26, 2024

For the conspiracy mongers out there

Here's an article from the Washington Post about what remains to be released about the John F Kennedy assassination, noting how Trump had previously promised to release everything, and then was talked out of it when he was president.  

By the way, the fact that the CIA was keeping at least some track of what Oswald was up to seems no surprise, given his sucking up to Russia at the time.

As with UFOs, I think it's fair to say that belief in conspiracy about the assassination used to be more a Left wing thing, but then Right wingers (and especially MAGA) started to believe an increasing number of conspiracies and finally got a dumb leader who actually promoted them (climate change, Obama birtherism, "the Deep State is a'gin us" generally, election rigging, etc etc) and they've become the main ones interested in old conspiracy theories too.



John said...

I think the GOP is going to get smashed at this election.

John said...
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John said...

Steve, watch this clip. Trump desperate, lashing out, and looks worried.

Anonymous said...

What is this deal with you just being an idiot about all things? Oswald was in the doorway. GHW Bush as a 38 year old was supervising the shooters in the Daltex building. James Files was shooting with a Remington Fireball from the grassy knoll.