Monday, August 12, 2024

No wonder dictators love Trump - he's so gullible

Trump falsely accuses Harris campaign of fabricated AI crowd photos  

I mean, everything points to Putin, Xi and Kim just needing to say "we really think you're doing a great job as President, Donald - the best President there's ever been. As for that question about whether we did X, no of course not.  We wouldn't lie to you."   And Trump would go out and announce to the press that there's no way they did it, regardless of the evidence his own officials are waving in front of his face.

Update:  the other story that should be being pressed harder in the media is Trump's helicopter story. It is looking very, very likely to be either a deliberation fabrication, or a result of a completely muddled memory.  (The key element and reason for telling it, that Willie Brown told him some terrible things about Kamala Harris, looks especially invented.)

We all know how the press would treat it if it had been Biden telling it.  


Not Trampis said...

the helicopter story shows Trump is nits

Anonymous said...

She has been doing some of it. I haven’t heard that she has done it for a rally yet. She uses other tricks for the rallies.