Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nuttiest candidate no more?

Disappointing to read that RFK Jnr is almost certain to pull out of the Presidential race, since it seemed well confirmed that staying in would only hurt Trump.    I don't think his endorsing Trump (as rumoured) will make much difference beyond his withdrawal.   

The funniest explanation of his weirdest story (the dead bear in Central Park) was on this Daily Show episode (starting at the 7 min 11 sec mark).  I laughed a lot.


Not Trampis said...

a nut case is gonna support another nutcase

Anonymous said...

Why do you people have to be stupid all the time? The old time bully boy union leftists were never like this. I was in food manufacturing for 22 years and I longed for someone like Bobby to come over the top and force us to do things in a more healthy way. You couldn’t reason with the bosses or the innovation centre. There was no way internally to stop us hurting the public. I am not legally allowed to go into details, and it’s not an issue of this or that company. Corporatism and food do not go together. And I would have thought you lefties would have picked up on this. You are sick because of dodgy food and vaccines. It’s seldom genetic, seldom bacterial and NEVER a viral issue.