Friday, August 02, 2024

What a deliciously bad week for Trump

After the pathetic performance at that black journalist forum, and an increasing number of polls showing Harris already beating him in some of the key swing states, the cherry on top is his best mate Putin deciding to do a deal with the supposedly lame duck Biden (that makes Biden look good).  

It's impossible for Trump not to be furious about that.

At this point, although it may be tempting fate to say so, I remind readers that I have always said Trump would not win re-election.


Not Trampis said...

His stupidity was there for all to see at that black journalist forum

Not Trampis said...

Trump just merely showed his inherent stupidity.
Fancy thinking there would be black journalists at this event

John said...

Trump's entire campaign was about Biden. Now he has nothing and Harris will force him to debate policy and confront him about lying.

Get real Steve, you argued that Biden would beat Trump. Biden is gone because it became all to obvious that wasn't going to happen.

Steve said...

Meh, John, I guess we'll never know if Biden could've won!

I was optimistic that Biden could make a come back from the debate, but he still sounded raspy in the subsequent interview he did, and got COVID, and he just didn't get past the impression of old age frailty that the debate highlighted. (He never personally explained his stiff gait either, even though it was something his White House doctor had looked at and discussed in his detailed annual reports. I think an aggressive approach to showing that what were possible explanations -like Parkinson's Disease - had been considered but dismissed by good quality specialists could have helped a lot, but they didn't press this as hard as they could have.)

Hence, I came around to agreeing that something had to be done, and am happy that it resolved in the way it did, with no internal Democrat fighting as to who should take over the candidacy. (Many people urging Biden to stay on thought that that was a high risk.)

I'm just happy that things are looking up for a strong Democrat win.

Anonymous said...

This week has been better. We now have a good idea of four shooter positions. It’s only really been clarified today. The rooftop guy was not a shooter. Sure he had a rifle but shooting wasn’t what he was there for.