Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On reaching the "Beatle" age

That would be - 64.   It's a number that makes it difficult (very difficult!) to cling to the idea that I'm merely "upper middle age", and a recent bout of unexplained shoulder bursitis in a joint that has never had a problem before makes the gradual deterioration of bits and pieces of the body undeniable.

But hey, lots of things still interest me, the family is (mostly) healthy and (mostly) happy, and (maybe) there's another 25 - 30 years of relative good health, and thinking about stuff, to go.   (That's how long most on my mother's side have lived, anyway.  Not all in the greatest of health, though.)

I have felt a bit odd lately thinking that I am of an age at which I feel I can write off ever visiting certain places - Africa has never held much interest, for example, although that new museum in Egypt does look good.   I guess if you live forever, you would just never write off a continent as a place you would never visit, like I am starting to now.

So, what am I trying to say - getting into my 60's has finally made me start to think that I'll die one day?   Yes, I suppose that's true, which seems a bit of a downer on which to end a birthday post.  Instead, I can amuse myself by imagining that AI has probably already reached a good enough level that, if fed this entire blog, a reasonable simulation of me could go on blogging forever.  Or, at least, until Google stop supporting Blogger...:)


Not Trampis said...

Happy birthday. It is mine next week and I am 4 years older than you

John said...

Happy birthday Steve. You're too young to worry about dying and when you're old enough to expect it you won't be worried about it.

Steve said...

Thank you both. John, I have a lot of trouble judging your likely age: any hints?

Anonymous said...

Don’t tolerate sore joints Steve. Sore joints or excessively weak muscles in some areas. Like I am unusually strong in some ways. But I had emaciated lower back muscles. They are still a bit weak. If I don’t get that fixed going into old age my prospects aren’t good.

Sore joints will lead to decrepitude very quickly for reasons I will only go into if you are very interested.