Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The debate

I can't watch the Trump/Harris debate (just winding up now as I type), but on Twitter and elsewhere, it seems Harris supporters are very, very happy with her performance.   I think I can safely say that Trump clearly has not won when, according to a couple of the Hot Air staff, this will be seen as a draw.  (That is, they're not bragging about a Trump triumph - the best they think they can say is "draw".)

This is good, and something of a relief.  

Update:  the TV coverage I just saw from the US is very clear that Harris won.   Also, the Taylor Swift endorsement is attracting attention.   Trump needs to start looking for apartments in Moscow, I think.


John said...

I was a little concerned at the start but Harris hit her stride and Trump lost his cool. Big relief for me.

Not Trampis said...

She monstered him. He looked old and tired

Not Trampis said...

don't know what happened to my comment sso I wil repeat myself.
She monstered him. He looked old and tired

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He is old and tired. He has spent a lifetime being energetic on 4 hours sleep a day. But he is past that age now. He was however the best micro-economic reformer the Americans ever had. He can delegate to people who actually know what they are doing. He may be able to avoid nuclear war. That’s something isn’t it?